How to Reply to a Text Message From Your Cell Phone

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When you receive a reply to a text message that you have sent out from the CRM; the reply will be sent to both your cell phone and your CRM system.   

Responding to the Last Lead that Sent You a Message*

All messages sent to your Twilio number will show in the same feed on your cell phone.  Each message identifies the lead's name and a Lead ID.

To respond to a lead, all you have to do is respond back... Twilio will send that message to the last lead that messaged you.  That message will be sent to the lead as well as the conversation in the CRM will also be updated.

Here's a Tutorial:


Responding when multiple texts received at once or to send a message to a lead that IS NOT the last lead to text you

All messages sent to your Twilio number will show in the same feed on your cell phone.  Each message identifies the lead's name and a Lead ID.

This is what the reply text message will look like on your cell phone.

You will see the Contacts Name, Lead ID #, and the Message they sent you.



To Reply to an older lead or if multiple texts received at once,  just simply type in # [Lead Number] space, then your message.


The lead ID is the same ID that you'll see on the lead in the CRM, by identifying that number Twilio knows which lead to send the message to.

Here's a Tutorial:

*If in the meantime another lead receives an SMS from the CRM (usually as a part of the campaign) the last conversation will then be with that lead and if you are replying without the ID, the SMS will go to the lead from the CRM, and not to the last lead from your phone. We would advise using the second method when replying to the lead to avoid these situations.


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