With this recent update, you have more options regarding the frequency of the listings sent to your leads.
Go to the Saved Listing Searches for one of your leads when you click the Edit option. By default, your leads are set up to receive listings once per day, or the system checks to see if there are any new listings to send to that lead at least once daily.
Previously with the schedule, you had the option of up to three times a day, once a week, bi-monthly or monthly.
You can now choose the day(s) on which your listing emails will be sent. So if you're selecting days in the week, you can select one or more days that the system is checking to see if there are any new listings to send to this person.
Pro tip: Start creating a routine for your leads. For example, set up a frequency for leads to receiving listings every Tuesday and Friday at the specific time you feel is best for the particular lead you're working in.
If a lead knows (and expects) new listings in their email on, e.g. Tuesday and Friday mornings, they’ll mentally book some time to review them, resulting in higher open rates than listing emails just sent at random.