How to Sort your leads

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How to sort your leads 



Follow these simple steps to learn how to sort your leads:


When looking at your main dashboard, your leads are going to be in your system based on the date that they were created, meaning when they last registered. 


So, you're always by default, going to see the most recent lead at the top of your list. 



Step 1 On the dashboard you have the ability to change the sort order for any of the columns where you see this dropdown arrow.



Step 2   For example, in the: Info section, should you wish to sort your leads by name or email, you can do so alphabetically from A to Z or Z to A.



Once you do so, simply click on: Sort.


If you want to revert back, to sort your leads based on registration date instead of their name and e-mail, you will just go back to: Date created at this dropdown here.



Step 3 You can also sort your leads based on their: Pipeline Status.



Step 4 Another way to sort leads is also by: Source



With the options: Date created, City and Referral Source.


And the ability to sort them, based on the most recent first or last.


Step 5  Leads can also be sorted based on their: Activity



You can choose to show the most recent leads first or last.


This option is very beneficial because it allows agents to track leads based on their last activity. 



So the lists will be showing the most active leads in your system regardless of where they're at in your pipeline, and regardless of when they registered.


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