How to send / reply to lead e-mails

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How to send / reply to a lead e-mails



From time to time, you're going to want to e-mail your leads, not only the listings that they are receiving on a regular basis, but a follow-up email to see how they are doing.


 Follow these simple steps to learn the multiple ways in which you can do this:


Step 1 To mass e-mail your database, go to your CRM dashboard, select the leads you'd like to email, then: Apply Actions and choose: Send mass e-mail.


Instructions will be covered in detail in the next lesson.



Step 2 To e-mail a lead manually, first open up the lead by clicking on it.


Then  click on their e-mail address.


Compose the e-mail.


Then click on: Send.


Step 3 Another way to send an e-mail manually is by going to the: E-mails tab.


Then you will click on: Compose


Step 4 You also have that ability in the: Activity section to select listings and to send to your lead in any fashion. To do so, first click on the : More details section.


Then: Select Listings To Send To Lead by clicking on the button that can be seen on the screenshot below. After that, click on the listings you wish to send to your lead.


Please note that only 1 listing at a time can be sent via SMS.



After that you will click on: Write a note & Preview e-mail.



When you write a personal note, you type it right in here.


And finally click on send.


This is how the note will look like on the lead's end:


i.e. if you get a notification that someone liked a property, you can send them that particular listing with a note: 


Hi [FirstName], you’ve looked at so many properties but liked the [PropertyType] at [PropertyAddress]. How come this is your favourite?




Hey [FirstName], since you liked [PropertyAddress], would you be interested in seeing more homes like it?


Another example would be if you get a notification that someone looked at a property on your website more than 3 times.


You can select that listing and send a following message:


Hi [FirstName], is there anything particular about [PropertyAddress] you like that made you look at it so many times?




Hi [FirstName], I noticed you viewed [PropertyAddress] multiple times. Would you like more info on the neighbourhood, schools or anything else in that area?


Note - This is a great way to try to encourage a lead to be responsive.

Step 5 When we send an e-mail, it's going to come from the CRM and it's going to have tracking capability. 


First go to the E-mails tab and then into the e-mails. There you will be able to see the Outgoing and Incoming tabs, so that you're able to differentiate between the two.


Here's an e-mail that just went out. In this tab we can see that it was sent to the lead. 



To open up the e-mail simply click on it to see what email was actually sent to them. 



Step 6 You are also able to track the status of your e-mails. Therefore, under your e-mail you will see the captions: Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Invalid, Opt Out, Error or Bounced, based on their current status.



Step 7 When manually sending an e-mail to your lead, you will also have the ability to send a test e-mail. First click on: Send test E-mail and then on : SEND




Note - The test e-mail is used to make sure it's going to be presented on desktop and mobile as you anticipated it to look.


Step 8 Up at the top you also have an: Internal inbox



In case a green circle lights up on the e-mail icon, as on the screenshot below, that means that you have inbound communication coming in. It is also encouraged that you reply to a lead through the system, since that way your whole communication will be documented. 



Then when you click on the e-mail notifications, you're going to be able to see all of inbound communications.



To open an e-mail simply click on the particular email you'd like to view and then on: Open E-mail.


This option not only allows you to see this e-mail but also to reply to it, by clicking on the Reply button.





Once you do it, simply click on: Send.


Note - It's always encouraged that you are communicating with your lead through the system since you want to keep everything in one spot instead of you having to jump from platform to platform or system to system, just to be able to effectively follow up with one individual. 


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