How to send a mass text or e-mail

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How to send a mass text or e-mail



Follow these simple steps to learn how to send a mass text or a mass e-mail to your leads:


The first thing you're going to do is filter down your leads to an audience that you're looking to target i.e. all leads that are a first time buyer.



Note - In most cases we would add additional filter items.


Another option would be by using the source of your leads. 


For example: If you are looking to target somebody that came from a Facebook ad that had to do with condos.



1. Option: Sending a mass e-mail 

You don't want to waste any e-mail attempts on people who don't have valid information. That is why you need to make sure that they are valid.


To do so, select: E-mail Validity, is, and then Valid and Unknown.


Then once you have these two filters set up, click on: Apply and preview



From here you can individually select leads by clicking on this checkbox column.



Or select multiple leads by clicking on the top checkbox column.



All leads can also be selected by using the option: Select all.



However, if you want to deselect all of your leads, simply click on: Deselect all.



Once you've done all the steps above, go to: Apply Actions, and then click on: Send Mass E-mail



Here you can manually compose an e-mail or use a template.


You will also have the ability to send a test e-mail to yourself prior to sending it to any of your leads. 



2. Option: Sending a mass SMS


Make sure that your selected leads have a valid or unknown phone number.


Then Go to: Apply and Preview.




We now have 6 leads that match these qualifiers, which we can either select individually or by using the option select all.



After that you will go to: Apply Actions, and then click on: Send Mass SMS.

You can also write a title to the mass SMS if you wish to. 



However, to load your templates you are going to click on this little plus sign here. 


Note - When sending out a mass SMS bear in mind that a lot of leads are going to be responsive to you. 


So don't send an SMS or mass SMS right before leaving the office. Instead, give yourself at least 30 minutes to effectively follow up with all of the leads who took the time to respond to your message.


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