How to use the polygon / radius

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How to use the polygon / radius



When you are editing a search for a lead or a client, in many cases it is not necessarily a specific city, but a specific area that they are looking in that maybe can't be defined by communities or city names. In that case you will need to create a custom region.


We have a polygon and a radius search option in the backend, as well as on your website. 


The radius search option


Step 1 Locate your lead and click on them to open their profile.



Step 2 Then go into your: Saved Listing Searches.



Step 3 From there choose the saved listing search that you want to adjust and click on: Edit.


Step 4 Once there, if you wish to add a radius, you are simply going to click on: Add Filter Item.




 Then you will add the filter item called: Radius. 



And finally you will click on: Show map.


Step 5 That action will then open up a map that will be central to your area.


Step 6 To change the central area just type in the name of the city.



For example: The map is now central to Toronto. 



The circle above is a radius on the map itself, that functions like a little pin that you can move around. 



For example: Let's say that somebody is looking in the Fashion District and the surrounding area.



From here you can also change this radius to whatever size you see fit.


Step 7 Then if you are satisfied you are simply going to click on: Apply range.



Step 8 However, if you made a mistake, you can always reset the range by clicking on: Reset range




Note - You can always adjust the additional criteria, whether you're adding additional filter items, removing filter items, or simply just adjusting them altogether. Once you're satisfied, you're then going to click on: Update Filter to save it.  


Bear in mind, you can either have a radius or polygon option active. You cannot have both. 


The polygon option 


Step 1 The polygon option is going to allow you to draw a custom area. And to access it you will first choose the polygon filter item.



Step 2 Then you will click on: Show map.



Step 3 Here you will type the area in which you want to draw your polygon.



Step 4 The polygon allows you to be a little more specific as to exactly which area you're looking to cover by dropping markers. 



Step 5 If you make a mistake, you can go and reset that polygon and start all over again.



The polygon option is really great if you have a client that is looking in different areas. This option is going to allow you to really predefine those boundaries and areas specifically and cater to their individual needs.

Step 6 Once,  you have your area drawn, click on: Apply Polygon, to add it to the search. 



Step 7 Then you are going to click on: Apply Filter



In some cases, you may wish to draw multiple polygons for your lead. Maybe they're looking for a home within two different school boundaries because they want their kids to go to either one of these schools. So instead of drawing and creating two separate searches, you can actually create two polygons.

Now, in order to do this, you're actually going to have to log in as the user to be able to do this. 


Step 1 Go back to your lead's profile. 



Step 2 The easiest way to do that is through e-mails because it is likely that you have already sent them an e-mail with properties.



Step 3 To log in as them, you're simply just going to go into their page by opening one of the listings e-mails you sent and click on the link shown below where it says Click here to see all new properties listed.



As you log into their page, you're automatically going to be logged in as that user. 


Once there, the system (because you are logged in as that user) will show you any of the saved searches that you may already have. 



Step 4 If you click on the map option, you are able to create and draw a specific region.



So, let's say there's a school right here that you want your kids to go to, and also another school over here that you want your kids to go to as well. You are able to draw more than one region, by clicking on "Add additional boundaries" after completing a polygon shape.





 And then hit: Apply



The system is then going to showcase any listings that match that criteria. 


Step 6 You can also simply remove some of these criteria so that you can see some listings populate. 



Step 7 Once you are all done, whether you're adjusting the additional criteria or not, what you're going to do then is click on: Update search.


This just ensures that you're not creating another listing search for the user, which would also result in another e-mail that would be sent to their inbox. 


Note - Sometimes in your saved listing searches you will notice a warning that says: This saved search includes filters that are uneditable in this view.



And what this means is, especially with multiple polygons, we can't create multiple polygons through the backend. We have to go back into the website to do that. So, if we wanted to edit those polygons, we can simply click on: click here, like on the screenshot above.


This action is going to log us back into the site to modify the specific criteria. 


By clicking on the option: more, we can modify the site to show us all criteria.



Then we can remove certain criteria by clicking on the x sign next to them.



We also have the option to add additional boundaries.



Then finally we're simply going to update this search so that it's now reflective in the backend. 




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