Rating your leads (cold, warm, hot)

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Rating your leads (cold, warm, hot)



After communicating with a lead, you may find it necessary to rate that lead, whether they're: warm, hot, or coldThere's two different ways that you can do that. 


1. The first way is through your pipeline where you can change the pipeline by clicking on one of the options. 


Anyone can classify a lead as "cold", "warm" or "hot" differently depending on how you work your database. 


2. The second way is through the lead rating section.


If you click and open this lead, down at the bottom in the: Lead Data, you also have a lead rating section. 



So right here in: Lead Rating, you have the ability to rate your lead.


The pipeline ratings also allow you to filter out your leads based on them. 


You will click on: + Add Filter item, and then you will choose: Pipeline/is/ and lastly pick the lead rating you wish to filter your leads on.


In this example we have used the Warm/Nurturing pipeline.



Leads can also be filtered out based on lead rating.


First, click on: + Add Filter item, then choose the option: Rating status/isand lastly pick the lead rating you wish to filter your leads on.


In this example we wanted to filter out all our hot leads.



How you utilize these lead ratings is entirely up to you. But one good method is creating saved filters for yourself. 


For example: For a lead that is classified as hot, we want to make sure we are following up with them regularly.

We can create a filter that would say give me all the leads where
a) the lead rating is hot
b) they haven't been contacted by phone or by SMS in the last 7 days




You will then simply click on: Apply and preview.


The created filter can also be saved by clicking on: + Save as new.


Once you complete that action, a window will pop up where you'll also be able to name your new filter. 


For example: We named it: Hot Leads - Call Weekly.



You can also create it either as a personal or company filter. In this example we chose the personal option.



You can even give it a description of what this filter is, for yourself, or if you're sharing it.


To pin this filter so that it appears on top of your dashboard, click on Pin to dashboard button.



After all needed adjustments have been made, then you are simply going to save it.


Once saved and pinned, that filter is going to show up at the top of your dashboard.



After you click on it, you are also going to be able to: update it, edit it, or delete it. 


Note - You are only able to update it after you edit it.



When saved this filter is also going to show in your saved filter list like shown in the screenshot below. 


And of course, you do have the ability to pin them at the top of the dashboard, as well as to unpin them if you wish to as seen on the screenshot above.



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