How to create E-mail templates
Follow these simple steps if you're looking to create an e-mail template in the system:
Step 1 First you will go to the Settings tab and click on: E-mail.
Step 2 After you have completed that step, you are going to click on: E-mail template.
Step 3 And finally you are going to click on: Create new.
Step 4 Then you're going to choose the title of the template.
The title is something that's only going to be visible to you.
It's not going to be visible to the lead. You can therefore name the template as something that's going to help you easily recognize what that template is about, and what you use it for.
Step 5 The subject is going to be visible to both you and the lead. It's going to be the actual subject of the e-mail, so you would like to choose something a bit more eye-catching.
Step 6 After you chose the subject, then you are going to choose the e-mail category.
If this e-mail doesn't have a category of its own, you can leave it uncategorized, or you can add it to one of the existing categories. This option is used to make it easier for you to organize the CRM, and to find any templates you're looking for.
Step 7 After you defined the category, you are going to scroll down, and you're just going to add your content here, as shown in the screenshot below.
This option is like any text editor that you might be using, for example, Word, Google Docs or anything of that sort. In case you, let's say, want to align the text differently, you can do so, or if you want to add bullet points or anything of that sort.
Step 8 If you would like to add images, you will use this upload image button that's located right here, like shown in the screenshot below.
Once you completed that step, this option is going to allow you to upload a photo from your computer.
Or you can add the actual link to the image by clicking on "insert/edit image".
And pasting the link here:
For example: Here we are just going to use a random image, and if you need to resize it, you can just grab one of its corners and drag it inwards or drag it outwards. You can also make the email body a bit bigger. This option makes the creation of e-mail templates a lot easier.
Step 9 The most helpful option is also going to be these shortcodes, located on the right-hand side.
For example: If you're writing an e-mail template that's going to be used on multiple leads, you definitely don't want to enter just the name of one of the leads. What you can do instead is use this short code [FirstName]. You have an explanation of what each short code is used for, right under them. So, [FirstName] will be used to replace the leads' first name.
After you add this short code, once you send this e-mail template to any of your leads, instead of having this code that says [FirstName] show up, what will happen instead is, each e-mail that your leads receive will be swapped with their own individual name.
Let's say, you're sending this e-mail to a lead that's named Tracy and a lead that's named Sandy. So, if we have this shortcode included, Tracy will get an e-mail that's saying: "Hey Tracy", while Sandy will get an e-mail that's saying: "Hey Sandy".
You'll also have other types of short codes, not just the ones that use lead contact information
We also have the Sender data short codes.
If you, for example, want to add your signature to the end of every e-mail template that you're sending, what you would do is just grab the signature short code, and drag it to wherever you want it placed in the e-mail.
Along with the Agent Data short codes, which actually use the information of the agents in your system, the Sender Data short codes would be using the information of the sender of the e-mail. You also have the option to pull the information of the main, listing, and mortgage agents.
The Element Data shortcodes will be swapped out with the time of day. With these, you can make it seem it seem like you just typed up the email, instead of it being sent by your system or being automated.
Activity shortcodes are used if you're looking to create a template that's inquiring about the leads' habits on your website, for example, which properties they've looked at, what the average prices were, bedroom count, bathroom count etc.
There are also Website Registration shortcodes.
The lead activation URL is something that would enable your leads to verify their e-mail if you were to include it in an e-mail that you're sending them.
Lead Mobile App shortcodes are going to include the specific link for the lead that received that e-mail in order for them to download the HomeLocator app.
The Advanced shortcodes will allow you to automatically log in your lead into the system if needed, through an e-mail, or through a link that you send them.
Step 10 After all mentioned steps have been completed you are then simply going to click on: Save, in order to save your template.