Website Section 5: Featured Listings Settings

Updated :

This setting allows you to choose if you want to have featured listings on your website and if so how many of them you would like shown.  You can showcase as little as 4 listings or as many as 40.  The choice is yours :)

Click on the Featured Listings Settings button once you turn on your editing widget.

Show Featured Listings Globally

To show your featured listings on every page, select Global Widget.  If you are not making any other changes to your Featured Listings. Make sure you click Save & Refresh.

Show Featured Listings Globally

Show Featured Listings on a Certain Page

If you only want Featured Listings to show on a certain page, go to that page and then click on the Featured Listings Settings and then change the option to Just This Page.  For this example, the Featured Listings will only be seen from the home page of the website.  Click Save & Refresh to make sure your changes are saved.

Show Featured Listings on a Certain Page

Remove Featured Listings

If you don't want the featured listings to be seen on any page, under the Hide option choose yes.  If you are finished with your changes, click on Save & Refresh to save them.

Remove Featured Listings

Change the Title for the Featured Listings

You have the ability to change the name of the Featured Listings.  If you do change the name of the Section, make it something that is attention grabbing and is reflective of who is visiting your website.

Change the Title for the Featured Listings

Change the Number of Featured Listings

As previously said, you have an option to show 4 to 40 listings under the Featured Listing section.  The system default is set to 8. Select the number of listings you would like to be shown from the drop down menu and then click Save & Refresh to ensure your changes have been saved.

Change the Number of Featured Listings


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