How to Change / Manage My Alerts

Updated :

If you would like to receive SMS/text messages when you receive a new lead, an notification / alert when any of your leads comes online or when a particular lead is active on your site. If you would like to receive alerts for any of these, please go to Settings and then Manage Alerts.

Login to your CRM account.

Under the Settings tab, click on Manage Alerts

What the Manage Alert Screen Looks Like

Section 1: Do you want to receive SMS messages from the system.  We highly recommend that you select yes for this option.  If you read text messages faster than you do emails, than it only makes sense to receive SMS messages.  If you do not read your text messages than don't select yes.

Section 2: Do you want to daily reminders about tasks?  This alert is like your very own assistant.  It will remind you about which leads you need to call and any other tasks that you have inputted into the system.

Section 3: You have the ability to choose which Task Statuses you receive daily.  It is recommended that you receive tasks that are "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Waiting on Someone Else".

Section 4:  If you want to receive an alert when ANY of your leads become active (come onto your site) select YES.  If you would NOT like to receive notification when a lead becomes active, select NO.  If you would like to be alerted when select leads are active, choose "ONLY ON SELECT LEADS".    If you would like to see how the alert email looks, please go here

When you are finished with your changes, click on Save Settings.

What the Manage Alert Screen Looks Like

Only On Select Leads

When you select only on select leads you can specify which leads you wish to get alerted about and which leads you don't.

To tell our system that you wish to be notified of a leads activity simply follow these steps:

1.  Go into the lead profile for which ever lead you wish to receive alerts for.

2.  Under the "Tags" section, add a new tag called: Alert When Active

3.  Click on "Save Tags" button.

* Please make sure the tag is exactly "Alert When Active" without the quotes.

Only On Select Leads


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