Every website with AgentLocator has the ability to get their audience to register before viewing more listings and/or photos on their site. For example, if you have a prospective lead on your website and they want to see listings, you may want them to register in order to view the listings or you may want them to be required to register after they have seen 3 listings.
You can set your registration settings to suit your needs.
Login to your CRM

Under the Websites tab, please click on the website domain name that you would like to revise the registration settings for.

Under the Global Values section, click on Lead Gen Options.
Option 1: You now have the ability to turn the Lead Generation option ON or OFF
Option 2: You have the ability to turn the Forced Registration ON or OFF
Option 3: You have the ability to change the amount of listings a lead views, before the Forced Registration screen opens. Click Update if you made any changes.
Note: 3 listings is the default setting. You do not to go much lower than this, because you want the lead to feel like they are getting something of value from the website, before you ask them to register.
Option 4: You have the ability to allow your visitors to view a certain amount of photos before they must register. You can turn this setting ON or OFF.
Option 5: If you choose to turn the Hide Photo option on, you can alter the amount of viewings that visitor is allowed to see before having to register. Click update if you made any changes.
Note: 20 is the default setting. Please keep in mind every listing can have 1 - 20+ photos. So you want them to view a good number of photos before making them register. If one property has 40 photos and your visitor views 20 photos on this one listing they will be asked to register. They do not have to get to the 3rd listing before being asked to register.
Option 6: You have the ability to allow visitors to see listing pictures in the preview or to hide the pictures. Select ON to Hide.
Option 7: You have the ability to allow visitors to see the virtual tour and Open House information for the listings or for it to be hidden. Select ON to Hide.
Option 8: If you would like all visitors to have to validate their account either by email or SMS before being able to see any further listings, please turn this setting ON. It is defaulted to OFF.
