IDX - Internet Data Exchange
Real estate companies who are Participants/Subscribers to IDX give permission to other real estate companies to advertise their listings. Companies do not have to do this, they can opt out. Companies are IDX members because they want to give their listings wider exposure and often the public demands it.
With IDX, to access listings, it is not mandatory that the public gets a password or give information to view the listings. Real estate agents or companies may require a password to see the listings, or require a password to see listing details or require a password after a number of searches. Basically, there is no obligation for the public to give any information to view listings but it is an option available for the website owner to request information in return for the opportunity to view listing data.
To sum up IDX;
*Voluntary participation by real estate company,
*No information required from person who views listings,
*Optional as to whether or where to request information from the viewer.
*Listings of some other companies are available on your company web site.
VOW - Virtual Office Website
A VOW is looked at like a regular office just on the Internet. Prospective clients are required to give information before they can view listings. Virtually all MLS listings are available to see, there is no broker opt out.
To sum up VOW;
*Almost all listings are available;
*Person viewing the listings must give personal information to see the listings.
*MLS companies can not opt out.
IDX- listings on web site from other companies, customer information optional, not all listings but most are available
VOW- listings on web site from other companies, customer information mandatory, almost every listing is available.