Theme Template: AgentList
The agent list allows you to show a list of agents with their picture & information which is also searchable. You can use this list for either a team or an office.
How do I make a page on my website show a list of agents?
- Log into you CRM
- Hover over Websites & click on the website you wish to have a list of agents added to.
- From the left menu find where you wish to create this new page by clicking on the any of the menu items.
- Once in the menu click on "Add New Subpage"
- Enter the Menu Name & Title
- Select "AgentList" from the "Theme Template" drop down.
- If you wish to make this menu the main menu item click on "Settings" & change the Parent Category to "No Parent" This will make it the main menu item in the website.
- Click on "Edit Office & Agents" which will open the Agent List Editor.
Also know as: Agent Roster, Office Agent list