Edit Office & Agents - Agent Roster

Updated :

Theme Template:  AgentList

The agent list allows you to show a list of agents with their picture & information which is also searchable.  You can use this list for either a team or an office.

How do I make a page on my website show a list of agents?

  1. Log into you CRM
  2. Hover over Websites & click on the website you wish to have a list of agents added to.
  3. From the left menu find where you wish to create this new page by clicking on the any of the menu items.
  4. Once in the menu click on "Add New Subpage"
  5. Enter the Menu Name & Title
  6. Select "AgentList" from the "Theme Template" drop down.
  7. If you wish to make this menu the main menu item click on "Settings" & change the Parent Category to "No Parent"  This will make it the main menu item in the website.
  8. Click on "Edit Office & Agents" which will open the Agent List Editor.



Also know as: Agent Roster, Office Agent list


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