First you have to add your exslusive listing in our system. Please follow this manual to add your exclusive listing:
After the listing is created, there are 2 ways you can add the virtual tour:
1) Have a direct link to your video. If your virtual tour is located on YouTube, locate your video and click on "Share" tab below it and copy the link from the field that you see there:
Paste that link into the "Virtual Tour URL" in our CRM exlusive listing editor back end. This option should also work for videos hosted with other providers i.e. Vimeo.
2) Have embedded YouTube iFrame code. For that locate your video on YouTube and click on Embed tab below it. Copy the link the link that you see in the src="" field:
Paste it into the "Virtual Tour Youtube Embed URL" in our CRM exlusive listing editor back end. Please note that this option only works with YouTube videos.
As always if you have any questions please email us at