How to Create a Repeat Mass Email

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Repeat Mass emails are a great way to send out those mass emails that happen on the same day every year. A great example of a repeat mass email, could be holidays ie: New Years, Canada Day, Halloween, etc.

NOTE: You cannot do a repeat mass email for special days such as Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Thanksgiving.  These special days do not occur on the exact same day every year.

Login to your CRM

Under the Emails tab, click on Mass Email

NOTE: Before you continue with the Mass Email, you will need to have the email you will be sending out created.

click on New Repeat Email

What Type of Repeat Email Will This Be?

You now want to select on what type of Repeat Email you will be choosing. For our example we will be doing a New Years email, so we will select the first option.

 What Type of Repeat Email Will This Be?

Step 1: Which Email Will Be Sent?

Select the email template you would like to use as your repeat email. After you have selected the correct email template, click Go To Step 2

NOTE: You will notice on the right hand side of the screen, a preview of your email can be seen.  

Step 1: Which Email Will Be Sent?

Step 2: Who  Gets The Email

Now you must select which contacts get the email.  If you would like everyone in your system to get the mass email, then highlight and select all of your lead types.   Click Go To Step 3, when you are finished.

NOTE #1: If you select one of the other filters, but then want to de-select them, you must hold down CTRL and click on the filter.  

NOTE #2: Keep an eye out for the Total Leads Selected Bar in the middle side of the screen.  This will give you a good idea if you are selecting the proper contacts/lead for the mass email.

Step 2: Who  Gets The Email

Step 3: Mass Email Settings

Enter in the Month, Day & Time of Day you would like the Repeat Mass Email to go out.  When you are finished click on Create & Go Email Editor.

Step 3: Mass Email Settings

Your mass email has now been created but it is not ACTIVE.  Before Activating it by clicking Activate in the yellow bar, make sure you go through all of the settings to verify you like what is going to be sent out.

SECTION 1: Email Content

SECTION 2: Email Settings


SECTION 4: More Filters

In the email content section, you can make any changes you desire the to Email Subject and to the body of the email.

For the settings, you can make any necessary changes to the date/ time the email should be sent out.

If you would like to receive a test email before sending out the mass email, click on Send Test Email.  

If you would like to further filter the contacts/leads who will be sent this email, you can do so in this screen.  

NOTE: The Save Changes button is on the top left side of the screen.  

Once you are finished with setting up the mass email as you would like, click Activate in the yellow bar.  


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