How Do I Add / Insert a PDF Document / File to a Mass Email

Updated :

In this method, we will go over how to insert a "preview" of the pdf document (this will be a jpeg file). Afterwards we will make the "preview" image a clickable link that will open the full pdf file.    Please follow the instructions below.   There are a few steps in this process, but very easy to do.  


NOTE: There is no way to insert a pdf document into an email template at this time.  However you can save the whole file as a jpeg file and then insert into the body of the email. If you would like to insert a PDF file into an email template, you will have to save the file as a Jpeg/Png/Gif file type.


Now that the pdf is saved to your file gallery.  We need to create the preview image to insert into the email body.  To get started open the pdf file you would like to create the preview image for.


NOTE: Depending on your computer and operating system, you may have to use a different method than what is below.  If so, try these instructions.


Now open the snipping tool, you can find it in your start menu.  

If you do not have a snipping tool program in your computer you will need to use the alternate method to screen capture the picture.

Click New when the Snipping Tool program opens.  

Once the Snipping Tool opens, you should see the pdf file behind it.  Select the area you would like to have as the preview image.  You can select the whole image if you would like or only a portion of it.

The Snipping Tool program will open again, and will show you the area you just selected.  If you do not like the area you selected, click on New and select an area again.  If you like the area you have selected, click on the Save button.  

Now you need to save your jpg preview of the pdf.  Enter in a new file name (the file name will automatically come up as Capture).  Then click on the Save button.  

Now you need to Login to your CRM to create the email template.

Now select Emails and Email Templates from the menu bar.

Click on New Saved Email.  

Enter in the Title and Email Subject.  Its recommended you Title them according to the pdf topic.

Now you will need to enter in the content for the email in the body of the email.  During this process we will enter in the "preview" image.  After entering in the text/content for your email, click on the Image button.  This will allow you to insert or add in the "preview" image.

Click on Browse Server to add the image to your server so you can insert it.  

Make sure you Images folder is select.  You will know it is selected because of the pink/red highlight for that row.  Now click on Upload.  

Select the "preview" image file you created in the previous step by double clicking on it.

To select the picture, click on the picture in your image gallery for the website.  

Now you can see that your image has been selected.  You can make changes to the image display size if you would like by changing the Width and Height values.  When you are done click on OK.

As you can see the image has now been inserted into the body of the email template.  

Now you must select the preview image.  You can do so, by clicking on it.  When you select it the image will be highlighted in blue.

 Now click on the Link button.

Click on Browse Server.

Select the Files folder if it is not already selected.

Now all of the non image files will be viewable.  If you are adding a new pdf, click the upload button.

Find the desired file and double click on it.

You should now see your newly uploaded pdf file.  Double click on the newly uploaded file to select it.

Now the Link setting page will be viewable again.  Click OK at the bottom of your page.

You will now be taken back to the email template.  Click on Save at the bottom.

You are all done.  Now when the email recipient receives the email, they can click on the preview and the pdf version of the document will open.  When the pdf open, the document will be available for printing or downloading/saving.


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