If you have already created an email campaign and would like to make changes to it, please use these instructions.
Below are list of possible changes/revisions you would like to make:
- Change the frequency of the emails
- Send a different email template
- Add more tasks / auto-emails
Login to your CRM

Click on Emails and then on Email Campaigns

Click Edit beside the email campaign you would like to edit ie: Buyer Lead Campaign

This is what the current campaign looks like.

To Change the Time It Goes Out
If you would like to change when an email/tasks takes place, click in the send in minutes box in the row of the task/email you would like to change. Click on Save when you are done.
NOTE: If you would like to change an email/task that has already been created, the time must be converted and inputted as 'minutes'. ie: 3 days = 4320.
NOTE #2: Keep in mind that the Send In Minutes is from the start date not from the previous task date.
Click Save to confirm the change.

To Change the Email That Gets Sent Out
If you would like to change the email that is getting sent out, you would first need to create the email template. To do so, follow these instructions.
Next you will click the arrow pointing down and select the desired email template from the drop down menu.
Click Save on the right (after you have selected the desired email template).

To Add Another Email / Task to the Email Campaign
To add another email / task to the email campaign is very easy. Add in the appropriate information and then click on Add New.