How to Add / Use the My Office Featured Listings Widget

Updated :

Using the [Widget(MyOfficeFeaturedListings)] will allow you to display your brokerage's listings. It has a filter for "Cities" as does the regular Featured Listings widget (through widget settings).

Login to the CRM

After logging in click on Websites and then click on your domain name.

Click on Use in Website Editor.  This will open up another internet browser tab with your website on it.

Select the page on your website that you would like to add the Office Featured Listings Widget to.  In this case it will be the homepage. After selecting the desired page, please click on the content editor to turn it on.

Enter in the [Widget(MyOfficeFeaturedListings)] widget into the content box.  

Click anywhere outside of the content box and this will allow you to confirm/save the changes you have made.  Press OK.

Now turn the Widget Editor on.

Click on the MyOfficeFeaturedListings Settings

1. Specify if you want this to be a global widget or one just for this page.  

2. Do you want to hide this from public view? No means it will be visible on your website

3. The default title is Office Listings but you can change it to whatever you would like.

4. You can limit the listings that are shown here according the city the listing is listed in.  Please use a comma in between each city ie: Toronto, Mississauga

5. You can select a certain amount of listings to be shown in this section.  12 is the default.

When you are done click on Save & Refresh.  

Turn the widget editor off and you are all done!


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