With your website you have the ability to showcase “featured categories”. Your featured categories can be communities that you predominately work in or could be specific types of clients.
Login to the CRM

Click on Websites and then click on your domain name.

Click on Use in Website Editor

Another page will open with your website. Please find the page you would like to add the Feature Categories to. In this case it will be the homepage. Now click on the Content Editor.

Enter in the [Widget(FeaturedCategories)] widget.

Click on the Widget Editor.

Click on the Featured Categories Settings button.
Show the Featured Categories Globally
Select Global Widget and then click on Save & Refresh to save your changes.
NOTE: Generally it is a good idea to have this widget as "Just For This Page"
Remove Featured Categories Section
Under the Hide From Public View option click on Yes and then click Save & Refresh to save your changes.
Change the Title / Name of Your Featured Categories
The website is automatically setup with a featured categories title of Featured. You can change this to any name. For this example, we will change it to Feature Communities. Scroll down to the Title section and change the name to the desired new title.
Select or Choose the Featured Categories
Once you choose the Title for your Featured heading, you will have to select the pages which will be showed under this section. The selection options are pages that you have on your website.
Now click on the Select Featured Categories button
Now select the Categories you would like to feature you on your website. You will have to individually select each category. When you select a category, the drop down menu will close. Please click the red arrow button. Repeat this step for each category you would like to add.
NOTE: You do not need to add the pages in order you want them to appear. You can sort them after you add them.
You will now see the featured categories selected under Current Featured Pages. You will now need to select pictures for each of the categories. Click on Change Image to change the image for the Featured Page. NOTE: you will need to do this for each featured page. Please make sure you select a different picture for each featured page.
Your image gallery will open up and please select the picture you would like to use. If you would like to use a picture that is not in the system please click Your Images and upload a new photo. If you are using a picture that is already in the system, please find the category the picture has been filed under and select the desired photo.
NOTE: For new pictures that you will be adding, please make sure the picture is 440px X 240px.
Change the Order of the Buttons
If you need to change the orders of the buttons, it is very easy. Once the buttons are uploaded, you will see a RE-SORT option. By default the sort # given to the buttons is set to 0 for all. Simply give your buttons a number from 0- ?, and the buttons will appear in the order you would like. Please make sure no two buttons have the same number.