If you click on a lead and try to add them to a campaign and are unable to select any campaigns it is due to 1 of 3 reasons.
1. You have added the lead to all the available campaigns
2. Your Email Campaigns are not activated
3. You do not have an Email Campaigns in the system.

1. You have added the lead to all the available campaigns
If you have added the lead to all of the available campaigns, you can create a new campaign and then add them to it. How to Create an Email Campagin.
2. Your Email Campaigns are not activated
If you see the word Activate for any of the email campaigns that means the campaign is de-activate. Click "Activate" to activate the campaign.

3. You do not have an Email Campaigns in the system.
If you do not have any email campaigns in the system, you will need to create a new one.