You will need to complete all three agreements below:
Please make sure you have purchased a domain/URL for your website, or have a domain name you wish to use with AgentLocator.
If you are using Toronto MLS page you would do the following:
Click on MLS Services - Spotlight - Find on Spotlight page Data Agreements as seen below:
- Go to New Agreement
- You should see the list of all 3 agreements such as below:
- Click on the Data License Agreement (DLA)
- Start typing AgentLocator where it says "Which Vendor will you work with"?
- Select AgentLocator/Adosoft Inc and the agreement will show up.
After checking all the boxes in RED you can sign the agreement
Agreement 2/3: IDX Data Agreement
- Go to New Agreement
- Select the IDX Data Agreement
- Start typing AgentLocator, and click on AgentLocator/Adosoft Inc. as seen below.
- Start signing the agreement
You will have to check all the boxes that are in red
Please STOP where it says IDX Data Subscriber Website Information (Schedule B)
- Start typing here your website name that you wish to use with AgentLocator. (Please see where it says Subscriber Website URL #1)
- After checking all the boxes in RED you can sign agreement
- Click once more on Sign Agreement
3/3 Agreement: VOW Data Agreement
- Go to NEW AGREEMENT one more time.
- Start typing AgentLocator and click on AgentLocator/Adosoft Inc.
- Signing the agreement
Next start checking off the boxes in RED
STOP where it says Member VOW Website Information (Schedule B)
Enter your domain name where it says VOW URL #1 if you only have one domain with AgentLocator.
PLEASE NOTE: Any additional domains will go under URL#2 and URL#3 depending on how many domains you purchased to use with AgentLocator.
- After checking all the boxes in RED you can sign agreement
- Click once more on Sign Agreement
The agreements are now with AgentLocator.
After they sign your broker of record can sign them electronically.
To speed up the process please notify your BoR and ask them to sign the agreements after which TRREB can approve them.
@geometry dash deadlocked Very detailed instructions. Thanks.