How to Use / Add the Rotating Testimonials Widget

Updated :

If you have testimonials that you would like to be showcased on another page ie: your about page or your home page of your website. Then add in the Rotating Testimonial widget.  The widget will find the testimonials that you have selected as Featured and will automatically rotate 3 testimonials.

Login to your CRM

Click on Websites and then your domain name

Click on Use in Website Editor

Now find the page that you would like to add the Testimonials widget and turn on the content editor.


For this example the testimonial widget will be added to the right side column.

Enter the [Widget(RotatingTestimonials)] into the content box.

Click OK to save the changes.

You now have the ability to go in an make changes to the Rotating Testimonial Widget.  To access the widget settings please turn on the Widget Editor, by clicking on the Widget Editor button

Click on Rotating Testimonials Settings

1. Generally you would select this to be a global widget.

2. Select NO if you want it to be shown on your website. Select YES if you would like it hidden.

3. What do you want to Title the Widget.

4. Select which Version to Show : for layouts 1-4 choose V1, for layouts 6 & 7 choose V2

5. Auto Rotate the testimonails - default is NO, so if you want the testimonials to rotate on their own, choose YES

6. CSS Code - don't touch these settings. If you want a change made, please contact support.

7. Save & Refresh


Click on Save & Refresh


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