After you send out a mass email, you may want to check to see the results of the mass email a few days / a week later.
Finding out what activity you had with the mass email is very simple.
Click on the Overview tab on the left (flag icon) and then click on Mass Email.

Now you have the Timeframe option. You can either click into the date range and change the calendar date manually, or you can click on the blue circle with the arrow in order to access other date option.
1. Calendar Option
2. Other Date Search Options

When you are done selecting the correct date option, click on Apply Filters on the left.
You will now see all of the mass emails that have gone out, in the selected date range. Click on the Summary button, to find out more information.
Once you click on summary, the results of the mass email with show up.
What do the results Mean?
In Progress: The message is passing through our servers and on the way to its destination.
Error: The email could not be sent.
Opt Out: The lead unsubscribed / opt-ed out from receiving emails from you.
Delivered: The message was successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox.
Opened: This is how many people opened the email.
Clicked: This is how many people clicked on a link within the email.
Dropped: If a lead has unsubscribed from the email and you decide to send him something else, that email will be dropped by the system itself.
Invalid: Email provided by your lead, when they registered, was not correct, that is why in system notes you will see that it says that email "bounced" when you tried to sent that lead something.
The distinction between Dropped & Opt-Out is not clear - can you please elaborate?
A lead who opted out, means they opted out by clicking on a link in that email. An email that has dropped is someone who opted out in the past and the system can't deliver the email.
Your videos are very helpful, I just started working, using email more and your videos have guided me a lot.
I recently started working and utilizing email more, and your videos have been a huge help. mapquest driving directions