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Anthony Brown an agent from Nova Scotia has allowed us to share his lead qualifying video as well as his buyer and seller scripts. Please watch the video below.
Internet Lead Script:
Hello would FIRST NAME be there please?
Hi FIRST NAME it’s AGENT FULL NAME calling from FULL BROKERAGE NAME, how are you today?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME I will be really quick with your time today. The reason I am calling is that you actually registered on one of our real estate sites checking out some properties in the AREA and we just like to do a quick follow up call, more of a courtesy call, to make sure that you are finding your way around the site OK, so let me ask you, do you maybe have any questions that I could answer for you about the site or did you see any properties that you liked?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, Let me ask you, do you live in AREA now?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, are you currently renting or do you own?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, how long have you lived there for?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, I’m always curious, what brought you to AREA?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, let me ask you one more question, if you were to make a move is there any neighbourhood or type of house you might want to move to? Maybe a bigger house, smaller house or different style?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, I really appreciate your time chatting with me today. Again, my name is AGENT FULL NAME and please hang onto my number, this is my direct line. I would be so happy to help out you or anyone you might know with any real estate needs. Would it be OK if I stayed in touch with you in the future about real estate? I like to make sure everyone has all of the information needed to make an informed decision when they do decide to move. Would that be OK?
FIRST NAME, again, I really appreciate your time. Have a great day!
Cold Call Script
Hello would FIRST NAME be there please?
Hi FIRST NAME it’s AGENT FIRST NAME calling from BROKERAGE BRAND NAME, how are you today?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME I will be really quick with your time today. The reason I am calling is that my team and I do a lot of business in your AREA and I was just giving a quick call around to some people in AREA to see who you might know looking to make a move in the future?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, I really appreciate you taking the time to think about that.
FIRST NAME, Now let me ask you, when do you think you’ll make your next move?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, how long have you lived in AREA for?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, I’m always curious, what brought you to AREA?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, let me ask you one more question, if you were to make a move is there any neighbourhood or type of house you might want to move to? Maybe a bigger house, smaller house or different style perhaps?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, I really appreciate your time chatting with me today. Again, my name is AGENT FIRST NAME and please hang onto my number, this is my direct line. I would be so happy to help out you or anyone you might know with any real estate needs. Would it be OK if I stayed in touch with you in the future about real estate? I like to make sure everyone has all of the information needed to make an informed decision when they do decide to move. Would that be OK?
FIRST NAME, again, I really appreciate your time. Have a great day!
CSR Web Lead Script
Hello would FIRST NAME be there please?
Hi FIRST NAME it’s CSR FIRST NAME calling I work with AGENT FULL NAME at BROKERAGE BRAND NAME, how are you today?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME I will be really quick with your time today. The reason I am calling is that you actually registered on one of our real estate sites checking out some properties in the AREA and we just like to do a quick follow up call, more of a courtesy call, to make sure that you are finding your way around the site OK, do you find the site fairly easy to navigate?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, Let me ask you, do you live in AREA now?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, are you currently renting or do you own?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, how long have you lived there for?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, I’m always curious, what brought you to AREA?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, let me ask you one more question, if you were to make a move is there any neighbourhood or type of house you might want to move to? Maybe a bigger house, smaller house or different style?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, FIRST NAME, I really appreciate your time chatting with me today. Again, I work with AGENT FULL NAME and I know that they would be very happy to answer any of your real estate questions. Would I be able to set up a time for AGENT FIRST NAME to give you a quick call?
REPEAT & AFFIRM, also, would it be OK if we stay in touch with you in the future about real estate? We like to make sure everyone has all of the information needed to make an informed decision when they do decide to move. Would that be OK?
FIRST NAME, again, I really appreciate your time. Have a great day!