If you would like to add in the HomeWorth2 Interactive Widget on your site, please follow the instructions below.
Now find the page you would like to add the HomeWorth2 Interactive Widget to. For this example, it will be placed on the right side column of the inner pages.
Click the Content Editor button to the right of the page.
Now enter in the widget [Widget(HomeWorth2Interactive), where you would like it to be placed on your page.
Now click on the Widget Editor button to turn it on. This will automatically turn the Content Editor off
The HomeWorth2 Interactive Settings will appear in the bottom portion of your screen.
1. Do you want this to be a global widget or just for this page? Generally you will select Global Widget
2. Hide from Public View? No means it will be visible on your website and YES will mean it will be hidden from your website.
3. Select Background Image - To change the image click on Select New Image (instructions will be below)
4. Main Tag Line - if you would like to change the main line, please edit the text here.
5. Second Tag Line - if you would like to change the second tag line, please edit the text here.
6. Button Text - what phrase / words would you like on the button
7. CSS Code, if you need specific changes made to the widget, ie: colors, please contact support support@agentlocator.ca
8. Save & Refresh
How to Change the Background Image - Select New Image
To Change the image, click on Select New Image
Using One of the AgentLocator Gallery Photos
Select the Widgets folder
Now select the desired file.
NOTE: If you are adding the widget to the right column, the size of the photo needs to be 370 x 310.
If you are adding the widget to your main page, the size of the photo needs to be 1280 x300.
To Upload Your Own Photo
Click on Your Images
Select the desired file from your computer
NOTE: If you are adding the widget to the right column, the current size of the photo is 370 x 310. The system will resize the photo to fit.
If you are adding the widget to your main page, the size of the photo needs to be 1280 x300.
Now find the image you just uploaded and click on Select Image.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the uploaded images are listed in alphabetical order.