How to add listings to blogs and articles

Updated :

1) If you are trying to show listings on your blog or an article page on your AgentLocator website, simply place  [Widget(Listings)] shortcode into the content editor and then use the widget settings to select which listings you'd like to appear, you can refer to this article and follow the step-by-step video:


2) If you are trying to show listings on your WordPress or another website that is not hosted by AgentLocator, you can use this piece of code to embed listings on your website:

<div id="FeaturedListingsWidget" class="AL_properties_widget clearfix"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.intAL = function() {
render: 'regular',
type: 'widget1',
agentids: '',
cities: 'Toronto,Mississauga',
homes: 'Detached',
limit: 10,
pricemin: 500000,
pricemax: 0,
beds: 0,
baths: 0,
sale: 'sale',
sortorder: 'highest',
openwindow: 1
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Currently available options and settings:

1. website = URL of your AgentLocator website without trailing slash, e.g.
2. type = unique name that our script uses to draw the listings, simply have this unique for every widget
3. render = type of listings to render, possible types:
ourlistings - agent / team listings based on included filters, NOTE: by default it will pick Agent IDs from AgentLocator system but those values can be overwritten if you pass IDs into agentids field directly
office - all of your office listings based on included filters
regular - all listings based on included filters

4. limit = how many listings to show on each page
5. pricemin and pricemax = numeric values e.g. 250000
6. beds and baths = pass numeric to select everything equal or greater than the value, or pass numeric with word 'only' attached to it to select exact values, e.g. 1only or 2only
7. sale = possible values 'sale', 'lease', leave blank to select everything
8. sortorder = possible values 'highest', 'lowest', 'newest', default is 'highest' which sorts the listings by highest price
9. openwindow = 0 or 1, if set to 0 the links will open in the same window, if set to 1 they will open in new tab


For this widget to work you do need to have an active website with Agent Locator.


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