1. Lead Gen - E Campaign Auto Assignment update
2. Lead Gen - Liked listing alerts
3. Lead Gen - Resend activation Email
4. Lead Gen - Send individual listings by Email
5. Anniversary notifications update
6. Preview option for E Campaign steps
7. Auto Correct
8. Dialer update
9. E Campaign Silent Hours update
1. Lead Gen - E Campaign Auto Assignment update
If you have a E Campaign that does not include any steps, you will not be allowed to select the Auto Assignment feature until steps have been added.
2. Lead Gen - Liked listing alerts
If you have the Lead Alerts section turned on from within your User Preferences, this will now Email, Text or both when a lead has liked a listing from your website.
3. Lead Gen - Resend activation Email
If you have a lead with a fake or invalid Email, once you are able to get a valid Email, you can now resend the Validation Email.
4. Lead Gen - Send individual listings by Email
We have added the ability to search for and send individual listings by Email to a lead.
5. Anniversary notifications update
No when you select either an email or a SMS to automatically send to a lead based on an anniversary, you will now be able to preview this message.
6. Preview option for E Campaign steps
Within a selected E Campaign, you can now click on the preview button and see the contents of this step.
7. Auto Correct
The CRM now has auto correct functionality. Simply right click on the underlined word to select the correct spelling. However, if you are within an email, you will need to hold the CTRL button while you right click in order to see the options.
8. Dialer update
If you are using the Dialer and the call lasts more than 90 seconds, it will now automatically update your Pipeline to "Made Contact".
9. E Campaign Silent Hours update
We have added a note to remind everyone that the Silent Hours within our new E Campaign Editor uses a 24 hour clock, not a 12 hour clock.