7. Interested in the Texting and Dialer Feature?

Updated :

If you would love to be able to use the built-in crm dialer or to be able to send and receive text messages from the crm system, no worries!  Just contact our support team and we can get you setup with a Twilio account.  We will do all the setup, the only thing we would need from you, is to upgrade the Twilio account when they are done.

What We Will Need From You:

  • What name would you like the Twilio account under
  • What email address would you like us to use to create the account with
  • What area code would you like for your Twilio # **we will do our best but there may not be area codes that are available
  • Will You be the only user in your account who needs access to the dialing and texting features?
  • If Not, what other users need access and do you want them to have their own Twilio #


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