There are 2 ways to have your leads forwarded from AL CRM to FUB:
Parser Email + Pixel or
Direct API integration
Parser email will forward leads to FUB with basic info, First and Last Name, Phone Number, and Email Address. The pixel will provide basic information regarding the lead's activity. This method is free.
API integration will forward the First name, Last name, Phone number, Email, Listings lead looked at prior and after the registration for leads coming from Lead Gen and only basic info, First and Last Name, phone number, and email address for the leads from. This integration is $99 per month.
If you chose option one, parser email, please ask FUB support to provide with one and send it our way.
If you chose option two, you'd have to enable it on your end, and here are instructions depicting that, as well as additional information.
Hope this helps, and please let us know if there is anything we can assist you with.
Kind regards,