Brokerage Change

Updated :

Brokerage change

The first thing we're gonna do here is check account orders:

If there's an order for tag marketing, send the ticket to graphics to apply new brokerage info on the tag ads.

If there's an order for FB ads, send the ticket to AgentLocator Facebook marketing to apply the new brokerage info on the FB ads.

If there's an order for AI Bot, check if it's currently or was engaged on any leads, and in case it is/was, send the ticket to QA to apply the new brokerage info in Structurely.


You can use the following filters to figure this out:

In both filter configurations, all pipelines are selected.


Please complete All system & website changes first before sending to the above-mentioned Teams.


  1. Admin Panel: 

In the admin panel, look for the agent details tab and click on it, right under that tab you should see the company name that needs to be updated for our own reference, this is not a change that will be reflected in the CRM systems or websites.


Agent Details → Company Name




    2. New CRM system:        

When we're done with orders and admin account, we're gonna log into the new CRM system and update the Company name under User profile as well as email signature and header:

User Profile → User Preferences → Profile → Company Name


Settings → Email Header 

              → Email Signature

              → Listings → Creat Company or Create your template ( Header & Footer )



3. Legacy CRM System:

Log into the Legacy CRM system, and look for settings, under settings find the user accounts, edit each user account to make sure that the brokerage name, office and number are changed.

In the section called banner as a text and email campaign banner HTML needs to be double-checked as well as the info from both sections will show in legacy emails checked from a mobile phone.

Settings → User Accounts →  Edit



Information change under global settings will reflect on the website in the following sections:

Header, footer, about widget on the right-hand side, about on the homepage ( PREMIUM LAYOUT )

Websites → WebsiteName → Global Settings




1. On the website, double-check the top banner, logo & main banner to make sure it's been updated.

2. About on the homepage for semi-customs, customs & premiums should be also double-checked. 

If you're not able to update it through the widget, this is supposed to be sent to a production team so they can update the info.

3. Check the listing page to confirm that the change in global settings has been applied.

4. Check the footer and about me page and meet the team as well.


Sometimes, these sections will be custom coded so we won't be able to change them by saving new info under the global settings.


5. Back to the legacy CRM system, on the left-hand side, find Landing pages on the left-hand side and confirm that global settings change was applied to each landing page you see on the list:



While we're in the legacy the last thing to check would be the Street Match email template:

Home → Street Match → Show ALL → Edit Email





4. New Platform Sites

There are a few things we need to check on lead gen websites:

1. Let's start with the Map search that's updated by longitude and latitude:



2. Footer is easily changed by clicking on the boxes you wish to update



3. Settings  mceclip13.png


4. On the left-hand side find the contact us page and click on the Edit page - here we'll be updating brokerage info and the address on the right-hand side.




5. If there's a home worth landing page on lead gen update it by clicking on the Edit page → Click on the image → Edit box in the top right corner → Scroll Down → Footer Contact Text → Update



Branded Platform sites

1. Featured Listings on the homepage:


2. If there's a home worth landing page - it needs to be updated manually as described in the steps above.

3. Settings, About, Contact and the Property Details page on the left-hand side should be updated as well as described in the steps above.

NOTE: If changes applied are not showing on the site, make sure that Override CRM Agent Info is turned on 










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