With our latest Release, you can qualify your leads upon registration by setting up a qualifying questionnaire.
Sample questionnaires for buyer, seller, and rental leads have already been uploaded.
Please note that the questionnaires haven’t been automatically enabled. You’ll have to turn this feature on manually. This way, you can edit the questionnaire how you deem necessary before enabling it to pop up on your website upon registration.
Here’s more info about this new feature:
Qualifying Questionnaires for Buyer, Seller, and Rental Leads from Ado Topuz on Vimeo.
The answers from the questionnaire will be forwarded to your email and available in the Notes & Calls section on the right side of your Lead Profile.
How to use this questionnaire:
This questionnaire is designed to make the lead qualification process faster. You’ll have more information about the leads and their current situation before even picking up the phone to call them. You can set up tags to be automatically assigned to your leads based on their questionnaire answers.
Please note that the default settings allow your leads to skip the questionnaire upon registration. If a lead decides not to fill in additional information, you’ll still get the lead.